We've got a big announcement, and it's one we're really excited about! It's a really cool story that begins with the Permaculture Ethics.
On day one of each Permaculture course, we cover History, Ethics and Principles. The 3 Permaculture Ethics, and the backbone of all we do in this field, are: Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share. A few years ago, on a muggy September Friday morning, when we began our course with these lessons, one of our students found themself in the middle of a transformative experience. The mixture of being immersed in a group of like-minded learners, combined with encountering the ethics and principles of Permaculture made a strong impression. This student was hungry to continue to plant seeds (both metaphorically and in reality) for their future as well as their community's. They were also wondering how to give back. What did 'fair share' mean for them? The alumni thought, "How can I help engage others in this work?" They had a proposal. They approached us with the generous offer to anonymously donate full tuition for 1 student for each of our next 10 courses. That's 1 full-ride scholarship for each PDC over the next 5 years! What a great way to give back to their community, improve access to the material, and live the ethics! We are so humbled and inspired by this offering. Our donor has dubbed this "The SPI Scholarship", SPI in this case standing for "Seed, Propagate, Initiate". They hope that their donation will help in planting the Seeds of Permaculture in individuals that will then Propagate the knowledge and Initiate future projects and connections throughout the ever-expanding community. What an incredible vision! See the course registration page(s) for details on how to apply for this scholarship.
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Daniel Firth Griffith Archives
June 2022
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